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The Villa Clara textile company celebrates the 44th anniversary of its foundation
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Regarding the celebration of the 44 years of the founding of the Desembarco del Granma Textile Company, in Santa Clara, the Villa Clara industry recognizes founders and workers with an outstanding career. María de los Ángeles García Hernández, technical and maintenance director of that entity, attached to the Light Industry Business Group (Gempil), informed Vanguardia that they have made a profit to date, even though they do not comply with the surgical gauze plan planned for the year – its main state order – due to difficulties with the arrival of raw materials from abroad. The directive expressed that the production of flat fabric will also close December below expectations; However, the financing granted by the Cuban Fund for Cultural Assets made it possible to make fabrics for the Exuberarte event, recently held in Santa Clara. Likewise, the production of sewing threads, coffin fabric and that for school uniforms had satisfactory results. García Hernández also highlighted that the insertion with non-state forms of management maintains the vitality of the factory; Meanwhile, the average income for the year has been above what was planned in relation to 2022, even though they are still insufficient. Another success of the stage is the certification of the Energy Management System in accordance with the Cuban standard ISO 5001: 2019 by the National Standardization Office, in addition to maintaining the quality management system certified. Likewise, although the situation with fuel sometimes limits the transportation of workers —most of them from various municipalities—, their priority is prioritized. transfer to the factory.Historical ties unite Fidel with the Santa Clara textile company, as the main inspiration for a factory that was the daughter of the people, due to the popular participation that its execution demanded, whose construction was closely followed by the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution.In On the opening day that coincided with the celebration of the 23rd anniversary of the landing of the yacht Granma, Day of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, Fidel, in the company of the freedom yacht expedition members Raúl Castro Ruz, Juan Almeida Bosque and Ramiro Valdés Menéndez, proposed to baptize it with the name that it currently bears with pride. In his inaugural speech, the eternal Commander asked that the fabric produced here be of optimal quality, a parameter that has distinguished them from day one, despite going through a tough year not without difficulties.

Source: Vanguardia

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