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Activities of the XXV National Congress of History begin in Villa Clara
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This December 3, the opening ceremony of the XXV National Congress of History took place in El Carmen Park, which was attended by the highest authorities of the Party and the Government of Villa Clara. Between kisses and hugs, happy for the reunion, on the afternoon of December 3, the delegates and guests of the XXV National Congress of History arrived at Ernesto Che Guevara Sculpture Complex in Santa Clara, to be held in Villa Clara from this Monday until December 7.

The words of welcome were by MSc Arelys María Pérez Ruiz, president of the Villa Clara branch of the Union of Historians of Cuba and Reday René Armas Álvarez, director of this sacred place where the remains of Che and his Reinforcement Detachment rest.

After the reception, the participants toured the Ernesto Che Guevara Sculpture Complex to be closer to the life and work of the Heroic Guerrilla and his fellow fighters.

Norcaby Pérez Gómez, professor of the History Department of the University of Cienfuegos and who participates as a delegate to the Congress, expressed to CMHW his pride in being in Santa Clara.

Doctor in Pedagogy Liseth Jiménez Sánchez, head of postgraduate studies at the University of Matanzas and vice president of the Union of Historians of Cuba that attends to the teaching of History at that level, highlighted the importance and quality of this national event.

At 9 pm on December 3, the opening ceremony of the XXV National Congress of History took place in El Carmen Park, which was attended by the highest authorities of the Party and the Government of Villa Clara and where the artists of the province made a waste of talent. During the cultural gala, Jorge Luis Aneiros Alonso, president of the Union of Historians of Cuba, officially welcomed the participants, and spoke in detail about the origins and evolution of the National Congresses of History.

Source: CMHW

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