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Villa Clara sugar cane cooperative obtains Gold Trophy
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This December 2, a total of 63 cooperatives (CPA and UBPC) from all over the country will receive the gold, silver and bronze trophies at the José Martí Memorial, in the Plaza de la Revolución, in recognition of the yields per hectare achieved in their sugarcane plantations.

Of them, seven are from Villa Clara, of which six reach silver, such as the Tito González, La Piedra, San José and Tato Madruga UBPC of the agroindustrial companies Héctor Rodríguez, Quintín Bandera, Heriberto Duquesne and Abel Santamaría, respectively, while the same CPA Julio Casales and George Dimitrov, from Panchito Gómez Toro, have recognition.

For its part, the “Bernardo Díaz” Agricultural Production Cooperative, from the Villa Clara municipality of Cifuentes, was awarded the Gold Trophy, the highest qualification awarded by the sector. Cuban agro-sugar producer, for reporting 60 or more tons of cane per hectare. And as someone said, if any cane producer feels the need to look for a counterpart worthy of being imitated for its good results, in the midst of the current difficult circumstances, it is essential.

This cooperative is led by the female Yamileth Báez Fernández. Here there are no secrets, coincidences or magic wands in the furrow, since the results it exhibits both in the cultivation of cane and in food production are the result of the joint work of its members. partners, the organization, attention to the forces and a board of directors with capacity. Yamileth, with her wisdom, method and style of work oriented to detail and ears to the ground, transmits positive energies to her cooperative and projects a leadership of enthusiastic and determined manner.

Therein lies the miracle of reaching more than 60 tons of cane per hectare in completely dry lands and with the same resource insufficiencies and without letting themselves be intimidated, they have cushioned the blow derived from those limitations, they enforce the concept of that the cane appreciates and compensates for the work and effort that is dedicated to it.

Source: CMHW

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