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Repairs are in advance for the start-up of the Villa Clara Scientific and Technological Industrial Park
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Our country adopts a Science, Technology and Innovation policy from government management to strengthen the search for creative solutions, the economic and social development of the nation. Also, promote both the production of goods and services and public administration.

These days, some initiatives are being developed aimed at creating dynamic structures that bring the productive sector closer to knowledge. Among them, interface companies (high-tech units) and scientific and technological parks stand out, which directly impact territorial and regional development.

The constitution of the Scientific and Technological Park of Villa Clara S.A (PCT Villa Clara S.A), on November 15, 2023, within the framework of the IV International Scientific Convention of  “Marta Abreu” Central University of Las Villas (UCLV) constitutes an expression of it.  Edelys Saavedra Rodríguez, director of the entity, reported that this March it is expected to begin operations with a small group of workers, including its management structure.

The specialist highlighted that the transformations in infrastructure (repair and maintenance) continue so that the property provides an excellent service and has the basic conditions for its fundamental activities.

There are various potentials in the center of the Island, which support its creation. More than 30 entities, some the only ones of their kind in Cuba, belong to the Ministry of Industries in Villa Clara. Likewise, universities, study centers and science, technology and innovation facilities are key, where knowledge, skills and experiences are accumulated, determining factors for achieving innovative initiatives.

This makes it possible to assess how the PCT will contribute to export goods and services, import substitution, and the incubation of new technology-based companies.

Source: CMHW

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