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In Remedios, second day of the XXV National Congress of History
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San Juan de los Remedios city hosted this Tuesday the second day of the XXV National Congress of History. Due to the rain, the reception of the participants took place at the La Tertulia cultural center, in the Eighth Village of Cuba, and in this place The central panel “Villa Clara: its history and culture” was held, given by the DrC. Ileana Echeverría Aldama, the MSc. Alicia Acosta Olalde and the MSc. Lislién Rodríguez Cárdenas.

During her intervention, Rodríguez Cárdenas, assistant professor at the “Marta Abreu” Central University of Las Villas, highlighted the role of Miguel Gerónimo Gutiérrez in Culture and the independence cause that was fought in the central region of the country.

For her part, the MSc. Alicia Acosta Olalde referred to the period of the Neocolonial Republic and emphasized the confrontation of the people of Villa Clara with the constitutional appendix Platt Amendment. As a particularity of this XXV National Congress of History Villa Clara 2023, Remedios hosted the History of Tourism Workshop, in the center El Golazo, belonging to the Palmares non-hotel branch. Later the work was carried out in commissions, in emblematic places of the eighth Cuban town such as the “Francisco Javier Balmaseda” Municipal Museum of History, the “Alejando García Caturla” Museum and the Parrandas Museum.

Likewise, on this second day, an extensive collateral program was developed that included student and work centers such as: Juan Pedro Carbó Serviá pre-university center and the Municipal University Center.

Another of the places chosen by the delegates and guests was the El Vaquerito Tobacco Shop where Doctors of Science Raymundo Ojeda Luis and Virgilio Companioni Albrisa gave the conference “Passages of the guerrilla struggle.”

In the afternoon, the participants of the Twenty-Fifth National History Congress toured the historical sites of San Juan de los Remedios and had the joy of observing the demonstration of the partying neighborhoods.

Source: CMHW

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