Environment and Development Preconvention. “For a Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Development with science and innovation for the Environment”
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The scientific advisory council on the integration and attention of environmental themes.


M Sc Martha Rosa Quintana Bravo.

M Sc Lanyer Calero Ruiz.

M Sc Ricardo Cuba García.


The Cuban school in its effort to train the individual in line with the conditions in which the current world operates, must direct its actions to the training of education professionals and the student himself, from a new perspective: an environmental culture, to climate change and disaster preparedness. It is pertinent to train environmental leaders, scientific promoters and the management teams themselves to develop an arduous task in concretizing these issues in an integrated and organized way, to reach the terms of environmental culture and environmental management from the educational teaching process and the system of work established by the MINED. It is necessary that from daily practice an integral, integrated, planned and oriented action is developed, based on what is established as a priority by the country and especially what is established by the MINED. For this reason, a brochure is proposed that from the Municipal Scientific Advisory Council integrates the work for the attention of environmental education, climate change and disaster preparedness, in the actions of scientific production, improvement and the introduction of results.

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