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Environment and Development Preconvention. “For a Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Development with science and innovation for the Environment”
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Educational actions, articulated to the program of citizen preparation for the defense from the life task.

Author: Lic Alejandro Martinez Martinez.


The work presented below by the author Alejandro Martínez Martínez, responds to the need to face a task of the State of maximum urgency: adaptation, mitigation and confrontation with climate change. Professional Technical Education (ETP) plays a very important role in the contents of the different technical subjects, within the educational profile, interrelated with the Citizen Preparation for Defense subject. The objective of the research is to: Propose a methodological procedure where through the Civil Defense discipline (ETP 1st year) the actions of the Life Task are articulated, taking advantage of the potential of the curriculum, for this reason investigative processes are required that propose solutions to make the investigation more effective. education at this level. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical and structural systemic; Empirical: analysis of documents, observation, survey and the criteria of external evaluators that allowed deepening the theoretical references, the manifestation of the problem in the center and the proposed solution. The methodological procedure specifies the logic to follow to establish the relationship between the objectives and contents of the subject and the contents of the Life Task. Facilitates the incorporation of environmental content related to climate change and the actions that are carried out in the discipline of Civil Defense, enables the understanding of environmental problems and the participation of students in theoretical-practical activities that are carried out in the subject Citizen Preparation for the Defending.

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