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A station to bring science to vegueros
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Exactly seven years ago, the agronomist and Master’s engineer Jorge Pérez Pérez assumed the direction of the Manicaragua Experimental Station, of the Tobacco Research Institute, and maintains the enthusiasm of the first day to fulfill his mission, which is to bring the vegueros of the region extensionism and training are central. On a producer’s own farm he felt more comfortable to share his valuable experience.

“This station is fundamentally dedicated to bringing new varieties and technologies to each of the producers, training them comprehensively on each of the aspects of science and technology and the most modern advances.”

To carry out their mission in the midst of so many material difficulties, they have extension agents in Placetas, Camajuaní and Manicaragua, in direct interaction with the producers.

«I believe that as never before there is a close link between the tobacco company and the institute, where the supervisors, the technicians, the specialists, the UEB directors, the extension workers, are involved in unconditional support for science and technology. And an example of this are the main results that we are already achieving, especially in covered tobacco.

When asked why the municipality of Manicaragua, the tobacco mecca in Villa Clara, has fallen behind, Jorge Pérez argues that the territory’s soils today have a low content of organic matter and a well-determined problem with PH.

«But in addition to that, I think that the role that must exist in the producers and in the authorities to maintain the tradition of tobacco in Manicaragua was lost. Work has been done on its recovery, today for example there are new producers of covered tobacco, the mecca of tobacco was Manicaragua, here the planting of covered tobacco began in the province, and today, for example, Placetas took center stage. But hey, I believe that Manicaragua is recovering and if it works with intelligence, with science and technique, with a sense of belonging and supports all this work, it can regain its prominence in tobacco.

Source: CMHW

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